I thought it would be fun to utilize my artistic skills and illustrate some funny stuff. One is from chemistry, and the graph of three different runners in a race is from fizzix. These two pictures aren't connected in any way, shape, or form. They're not laugh-out-loud funny, but between their cheesiness and my sad attempts at creating them, I'm pretty entertained.
Wow. Those are some talented runners.
I remember you illustrating this graph in my kitchen one evening, and the light and sparkle of fizzix was in your eyes.
It was a sight to behold.
Oh, and that is two consecutive posts on physics.
You should write next about calculus; perhaps you could explain those vague mathmatical equations to me. My only hope is that reading your words might cause them to penetrate my thick skull.
So the scales are a little ridiculous. That just adds the humor of it. I keep blogging about physics because I hate it so much. It's a good way to vent. Calculus is almost as bad.
Whoa! Calculus is better?
I have grossly underestimated the difficulty of your physics class. In fact, I was quite dismayed to see the frustration and pain that it causes you daily.
Just know this: The wet moose walks backwards in the night and the pink mink winks in the sink, or whatever it is you like to say.
And thus, cats have whiskers.
My favorite SCIENCE JOKE (you've probably already heard):
Two atoms bumped into each other on the street.
One of them said, "Hey, I've lost an electron!"
The other replied, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm positive."
I knew you'd respond with this joke, Melissa. It must be the mind link thing again. When you first told it to me, it was more along the lines of:
Two atoms bumped into each other on the street.
One of them said, "Hey, I'm positive!"
The other electron said, "Wait, are you sure?"
That would actually be a good one to tell to someone, ask if they got it, and watch the look on their face.
Yeah, I remember bungling that joke when I first told it to you--
which is why I told it here, where I could take my time and not screw up the punch line.
Delivery is everything.
I kind of like it the other way around. It's a clever spin.
I bungle up every joke I tell.
A neutron walks into a bar; he asks the bartender, 'How much for a beer?' The bartender looks at him, and says 'For you, no charge.'
Ha. Ha.
There was an old lady called Wright
who could travel much faster than light.
She departed one day
in a relative way
and returned on the previous night.
I always knew you were an artist. I hope to see some squirrles on here in the future. he he
Anonymous, you're my new favorite person.
That's now my second favorite science joke.
Why, thank you.
I forgot to mention... oh, months ago that I'm pretty sure I would be the red runner.
My endurance is flatlined.
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